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What to do with my Cannon

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So still a bit of a newbie for Telescopes got into it with my Son to inspire him, started off the famous blue penguin then got him a 114/900 newt to enjoy together, great for the moon.   really good scope but that aperture is hard to zero in on targets and the finder scope wasn't great quality so lining it up with Jup/Sat was actually quite tough to keep in the eye piece to focus...

last year whilst thinking about a 6/8 dob for myself after getting the bug... i actually managed to get a homemade  by a very elderly farmer 12 dob (i suspect in the 80s/90s) sold by his son in Essex.. i call it the MIL cannon :D

but as you can see despite the tube being made of thick cardboard or similar, its a beast as think its 5 plywood with no cutouts.. and its really hard even for me to hall around easy. (they do say if you can take out a scope quickly you loose interest)  

so what to do.... well i thought about cutting holes in it but really the base isn't the issue is that massive box holder that is so heavy....   make my own??? i'm not very practical in that regards - would love to convert to an ultra light but its so hard to any spare 12" components out that their are not handmade or cost wise it just seems that getting a new one is a better value of my time.... though about buying a modern ring dob mount but i can only find Orion make you own mounts for 305's and that gets very pricey

i'm pretty sure the mirrors will need re-coating and at least flocking the inside if i was to keep it, just a shame i cant make it more portable to get to dark sites....  an 10" light weight is probably only £800-900 and its been just fun seeing decently sided viewing of the big planets and that stay in the aperture for so long as its a 12"

staring to think a Goto 127 mak may be a nice travel companion and just wait for black Friday sales for my next purcahse of get into smart scopes for some DSO pictures..  and donate it maybe... i mean i got it for £102!....


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36 minutes ago, ninjafez said:

they do say if you can take out a scope quickly you loose interest

It's actually the opposite. The best equipment are those that you use the most, a lighter, smaller setup usually for those unable to site stuff permanently.

Lack of interest is how you loose interest, this is unfortunately the trend amongst the majority of the population whom aren't already mentally invested, as with any passion/vocation/hobby/craft.

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That does look like a very nicely made scope, it is a bit of a beast and more suited to someone who has space at home to store it close to the observing spot, as you say it’s not particularly portable. 

Perhaps your local astronomy club could take a look at it, they might be able to tell you more about the scope: mirror maker etc. which could help you decide what to do.  E.g if it has high spec, hand made mirrors they alone would be worth a lot more than what you paid for the whole scope. 

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