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A vintage scope


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Today we were at Lanhydrock, an NT property in Cornwall (well worth a visit).

On the way around the house we came across this specimen, very easy on the eye, but I was reminded of a caution I read a long time ago, in Patrick Moore's Observer's Book of Astronomy, where he has a picture of a very similar instrument.


Moore's annotation: "3 inch refractor on a pillar-and-claw stand. This sort of mounting is virtually useless".

In fact, this looks identical to the one in Moore's book (though pointing earthward). There is no identification in either source, but someone here may know?

Nearby, these books were displayed:



Edited by Zermelo
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What a disappointing attitude to display a fine looking telescope.  I have a similar one less the pair of stabilisers, Patrick was right about the mount!  These telescopes were often assembled from parts offered by small outlets of the period so may not have a makers inscription.

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Lovely looking scope but, as Peter says, disappointing that the instrument has not been correctly mounted.

It's design looks rather similar to one that I acquired earlier this year which was produced in the BC&F workshop in the basement of 63 Farringdon Road, London. I have seen a few with very similar design though so a number of manufacturers were clearly making similar instruments. 

This is the one that I have:

The Elliott Refractor: First Solar Light - Discussions - Scopes / Whole setups - Stargazers Lounge


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Around 20 years ago I attended a lecture covering different types of mount.
Several types were covered in considerable dettail.
Pillar and claw was described as 'for the drawing room' then the speaker quickly moved on 😂

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