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Panasonis FZ3

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I used to have the Panasonic FZ10 and it was a great camera. It has 12x zoom and took good photo's.

Panasonic make good camera's and for that price I would say it's a good buy.

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I have a FZ18. It's a good camera, takes a good point an shoot picture, and the tele lens functionality on these cameras is phenonemal for the price. It's got a leica lens which is always a good staring point. The big drawback you will notice from the DLSR you're used to is the viewfinder shooting a moving target. The viewfinder goes black for quite a long time (about 0.5-1 seconds) while the camera is recording the image. The auto focus is also a lot slower. This can be very frustrating if you are trying to capture a sports event (having said that I have managed to get some quite good pics using mine).

If it looked reasonably clean at 25 quid I'd buy it like a shot,



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