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Image download delay

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i ran into something strange lately with my Omegon 571C camera controlled via SGP and running on a MELE quiter overclock 4C.

I was doing some 1s loop exposures while focusing with a Bahtinov mask.

When in focus i made a 10s exposure to open this image in ASTAP to look at tilt.

But i noticed as the expected 10s frame was downloaded from the camera that is was a 1s exposure (based on the mean value), in fact i had to take 2-3 more exposures to finaly get the first 10s exposure to be previewed on screen.

You can imagine this is not ideal, not the least while doing a atomated focus routine (the focuser racks out and takes an exposure only to get the wrong image).

i've been looking to the ascom driver setting, but there is to my knowledge not a lot to be adjusted in that regard.

I swapped the Omegon ASCOM driver for the Touptek driver.

And i set a 3 seconds download time in SGP equepment settings.

But the delay remains.

Anybody ran in to similar problems ?

Thanks, CS





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Hi Miguel

Have you tried focusing while video imaging with the "Omegon AstroPhotoCapture" software that comes with the camera ?

Following the "Finding Focus" instructions in the Instruction Manual ?

This gives you a "LiveView" image, which makes focusing much easier than waiting for individual frames to download.

Or with SharpCap, again following the instructions in the manual.


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9 hours ago, michael8554 said:

Hi Miguel

Have you tried focusing while video imaging with the "Omegon AstroPhotoCapture" software that comes with the camera ?

Following the "Finding Focus" instructions in the Instruction Manual ?

This gives you a "LiveView" image, which makes focusing much easier than waiting for individual frames to download.

Or with SharpCap, again following the instructions in the manual.


Hi Michael, thanks for the reply.

No I've not used the Omegon software.

But my problem is not that I don't know how to get focus.

The issue is that when an image is downloaded from the camera and previewed on the screen in SGP, that this is not the latest image actually taken by the camera.

So in case of autofocus, the wrong image is being evaluated, which is fatal for the autofocus routine.

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