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What do imagers use ? Crayford or Electric

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Hi all, Still cant decide please help.

I need to upgrade my SCT focuser as i plan to do some imaging and the question is ,what do you all use ? Crayford or electric type ones?

Iam eager to iliminate any shakes at all when trying to focus and was pretty set on the electric route but now iam not sure if a Crayford would be better.Would like to know what the majority of you guys are using.



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I use the "zero shift" #1209 crayford/ electronic focuser in the Meade 10" and 12" LX200.. It works well for me!

For the ED80, for solar observing, I use the Accufocus driver which I feel gives me good control over the f30 beam and DMK camera..

My 2c

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I was planning on getting an electric focuser for my 190MN, but since I got the Baltinov (sp?) mask for it, there was no need any more. I cobbled another mask together for my C11 SCT and can get perfect focus with that and my CCD inside 30 seconds... and that wa susing the big chunky focus knob on the back. It was faster for me to get focus using the mask and the single speed crayford on the 190MN than it EVER was getting focus using my feathertouch+microtouch electric focuser on my hyperstar equiped C8 (operated by FocusMax).

You really wont believe how incredibly fast and useful one of those masks is until you try one.

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I have only gone back to the leccy for lunar work with the DMK... otherwise it's those atinwhatsits all the time 2s exposures at ISO1600 displayed on the lappy after a while you even get to know roughly how far you need to adjust the focus...

We might have our own "desktop" laser cutter soon as well... 400x300mm bed and will cut acrylic very nicely...


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For me its the motorised Meade Microfocuser for fine (zero image shift) focus, and a JMI MotoFocus on the coarse focus control, of the 12" LX200R.

On the 80mm APO refractor, its also a JMI MotorFocus.

I haven't, as yet, bothered with putting a motorised focuser on the ZS66. Mainly because its only really used as the guide scope, when imaging through the 80mm.

The main reason for my using motorised focusers, is so the scopes can be remotely focused from the oby warm-room.


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I was planning on getting an electric focuser for my 190MN, but since I got the Baltinov (sp?) mask for it, there was no need any more. I cobbled another mask together for my C11 SCT and can get perfect focus with that and my CCD inside 30 seconds... and that wa susing the big chunky focus knob on the back. It was faster for me to get focus using the mask and the single speed crayford on the 190MN than it EVER was getting focus using my feathertouch+microtouch electric focuser on my hyperstar equiped C8 (operated by FocusMax).

You really wont believe how incredibly fast and useful one of those masks is until you try one.

I have to agree, I have made 2 masks one for my 120ED, and one for my 10" SNT which has been fitted out by the previous owner with a JMI electric focuser.

Since I made the mask it is much easier to focus the SNT by hand! as a tiny touch on the 10X reducer knob can be clearly seen as a clear movement on the centre line of the Mask created diffraction pattern.

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I sounded the ever-kindly forum on similar lines. I was told that the Moonilite is the Rolls and that the Revelation was adequate. I eventually went for a second hand Revelation from the forum and it seems pretty Rolls Royce to me! I like it a lot and the touch s light enough not to induce much in the way of shakes.

I do have a primary mirror Meade electric going begging if you want to go that way. PM me if you're interested. (Can't say I like it myself but it's better than mauling the scope with your mits!)


PS Agree with Steve about the Bahtinov (Sp?? also!). I don't have one but have seen DSLR guests using them to great effect.

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