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Equatorial SeeStar?

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Thought experiment: imagine a second SeeStar mounted parallel to the top of the telescope arm (say by a 90deg bracket) of a simplified, but strengthened, bottom SeeStar. The bottom SeeStar is the auto polar aligning equatorial mount, the top SeeStar is the imaging scope. Or instead of two different scopes, a single SeeStar v2 could be designed which is stronger, and has a mounting bracket on the telescope arm, so it could function as either the equatorial mount or the imaging scope. So you buy one SeeStar v2 for your introductory auto Alt/Az imaging, and later you buy another one to convert it into an auto equatorial imaging mount (or double Alt/Az imaging!). Say £750 each, or two for a discount, and Zwo sell twice as many units!

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I'd think a simpler solution would to make the base part that rotates the unit bigger (so that it is more robust) and  an optional wedge for those who want to use it in EQ mode.

Perhaps the wedge could be used for other mounts and include a Polar Alignment feature (camera etc)

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No need for a second scope for polar aligning, it can be done with the imaging scope. That's how it's done with an AsiAir after all. So all that is required is software support and a wedge. Not sure if ZWO would need to strengthen the RA wheel.

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