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My first telescope

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I have been interested in astronomy for 2 years, but for now I have only observed the sky with the naked eye. I would like to change this and two telescopes caught my attention:
1. Sky-Watcher Virtuoso GTi 150p
2. Bresser NT-150/750 MESSIER Dobson

Which one will be better for me?
I will also add that I live in the countryside where there is little lighting at night.

Additionally, I care about mobility, so I was looking for something small. I travel often and would like to take my telescope with me.

I mainly focus on observations:
- sun,
- the moon,
- planets of the solar system.

I will be happy to read extensive comments and I will also be happy to see photos from observations using these devices if you have them :)

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I have never used a Dob, but the Skywatcher you mention has a GOTO function, whereas the Bresser does not (unless I'm looking at the wrong model). The GoTo function, in my opinion, is worth having since once you have located your target, it's good that the scope can track it so you don't need to keep nudging it. I'm sure accomplished Dob owners will say that it's not an issue, and I can accept that. It comes down to personal preference. I would imagine that the optical performance of the two candidates would be similar. Welcome to the hobby!

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4 minutes ago, MikeAa said:

I have never used a Dob, but the Skywatcher you mention has a GOTO function, whereas the Bresser does not (unless I'm looking at the wrong model). The GoTo function, in my opinion, is worth having since once you have located your target, it's good that the scope can track it so you don't need to keep nudging it. I'm sure accomplished Dob owners will say that it's not an issue, and I can accept that. It comes down to personal preference. I would imagine that the optical performance of the two candidates would be similar. Welcome to the hobby!

Thanks for your help :D
Will there be any problems with observing the objects I mentioned above using these telescopes?

I know there won't be a high-quality image, but will it allow me to make at least somewhat satisfactory observations? :)

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You should get good views of your targets of interest with both those scopes. Patience is needed with the planets though, because they are not always in favourable observing positions. Photos can be misleading because the camera can often capture more than the eye can see. Have a look for sketches done with similar scopes for a more accurate guide to what might be achievable visually.

For the Sun you must use a suitable solar filter of course. Apologies if you know this already.



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Posted (edited)

@John @MikeAa @Spile

Thank you for your help. I'll probably choose Bresser. GOTO seems convenient and great to me, but I don't want to take the easy way out at the beginning. I think that if I have to find an object in the sky myself, I will also expand my knowledge and over time I will be better able to navigate the night sky :)

Once I have the telescope, I will let you know my impressions after the first observations! :)

Edited by Adamito
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I'd have to go for the Bresser too. I have the manual version of the Virtuoso and though it's excellent optically and very light to carry around, its helical focuser is a PITA for me.

Either way, you'll need something light and very stable to put it on. I use a wooden three-legged stool, which does the job perfectly.

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I would also go for the Bresser unless when you mentioned being travel friendly you meant aeroplane or backpack friendly. The Bresser is easily transported in a car but not a backpack or aeroplane. 

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