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Opinions on C8 edge

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I'm looking for people's experience of using this scope for visual and/or imaging? 

If you own it, do you think it would be complimentary to a SW 120ED?

So, in other words, is there sufficient Non-overlap between these scopes to justify both? 

The edge would be used for planetary AP and visual. The SW 120ed, only visual. 

I have an ed80, so not likely to do any Hyperstar dso AP, but of course, that is a future option with the edge. 

Likely to get the OTA edge to go on a AZ-EQ6, rather than with the nexstar evolution option(although the starsense looks nice) 

Not sure is StarSense can work with az-eq6. 

Anyway, looking forward to your experiences. 



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I think it would go well with the 120 ED I have been fortunate to have owned all the HD range right up to the 14” and the 8 is perfect for that bit extra 

you can get Star sense  to work on the AZEQ6 there is a skywatcher version or was .

Edited by garryblueboy
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I'm a bit late to the party. I have a SW Equinox 120 and an Edge 8, and I think it's worth keeping both. For me, the Edge 8 has a bit of a refractor feel to it, and having it helps me to think it's not a great idea to add a bulky ED150 to my collection. I still get tempted by the ED150 from time to time, but having the Edge 8 keeps it at bay. For me, the Edge 8 is a bit like having a bigger frac than the ED120, without the bulk (not as sharp as a frac, but it goes some of the way there). The 120 already feels quite a large frac, and for me, the Edge 8 partners very nicely with it.

I did a bit of lunar imaging with the Edge 8 and ED120, and solar imaging with the ED120 and a Herschel Wedge or Quark, but no deep sky or planets. I'm sure the Edge 8 is interesting for planets, but our skies don't seem very stable my way for high res planets, so I don't bother trying.

Edited by LukeTheNuke
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