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Finding the magic alternative to fossil fuels, a dreadful afterthought for astro..


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After seeing that fascinating program about research in to fusion power, I just had a dreadful afterthought....

Ok, if we manage to fully crack fusion power and find a clean, endless supply of electricity being pumped in to the grid... what effect will it have on governments future views on light pollution. I fear that finding the ultimate answer to green power may turn things on its head with regard to light preservation. What with LED technology already starting to make its mark on our streets, the planet could end up glowing like a Christmas Tree at night (even more so than now). :icon_rolleyes:


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My solution......... change all the street lights to LED and stick a LARGE solar cell above each lamppost....... provides power on the spot and also acts as a lampshade cutting down on LP!

OR...... howabout breeding loads of Glow worms? :icon_rolleyes:

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By the time they make decisions and get the green light our skys will be too cloudy to even see a star.

Its said that the clouds are becoming more dense and will become to thick for star gazing in the future.

make the most of what we can see now.



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Did you see the awful thing in the torygraph the other week about a councillor from Birmingham who wants to illuminaate Spaghetti Junction so that it is visible from space? I wrote to the paper pointing out his lunacy but they didnt publish it. I also mentioned International year of astronomy etc etc, all to no avail.


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