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Imaging Equipment help please


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I have reached one of those soft toys in the head moments which I hope you maestros of AP can help me on.

I have 10" F/4 Meade SNT, 120ED, 80ED, QHY5, EQ6 Pro Mount, Canon 1000D (as yet unmodded) SW light pollution filter, a netbook computerette and too much cloud.

I have used both the 10" SNT and 120ED in unguided AP so here are the questions.

To make the 10" SNT work at its best for AP what other specific (ie make and type) optical correctors (flattener/reducer/ComaCorrector etc) would be advisable?

Same question goes for the 120ED.

During my research It seems for the 10" a Baader MPCC would be good or am I barking up the wrong tree?

For the 120ED I haven't a clue really ...reducer+flattener???

The SNT is heck of a light bucket but would the SW 190 Mak Newt be a significanlty better choice for AP?

Help please! the soft toys are getting agitated

Cheers Pizza :icon_rolleyes:

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As regards the reducer/flattener its a case of your get what you pay for. I tried several for my 130mm F6 APO and ended up with the TeleVue 0.8X reducer/flattener - expensive but works well.


PS - There are now several models in the William Optics Range - have not tried these - some people on the forum probably have.

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Just a quick note here to mention that the William Optics AFR-IV (flat4) is no longer a reducer, just a flattener. The first version of the AFR was a reducer+flatenner, but it just didnt work, so it was recalled. The second one just flattens... and increases your focal length by 1.1x-1.2x ... yes, you read that right!

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Pixxa, you asked if the 190 Mak/Newt. would be better for AP.

Well, I own one, but I can't personally recommend it, as I've not used it in anger yet, but the scope has proven it's worth as a photo instrument in the capable hands of SteveL. You certainly wont need a flattener with that baby, but if you have a word with Steve, or look at the Images produced by the 190M/N, they are superb.


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I am still digging around, need to make a decision sometime on which way to go, my leanings are towards a Baader MPCC for the SNT but not yet taken the plunge, if I go with that I would also try to find a suitable reducer for the 120ED.

But.... the 190 MN is still a more expensive temptation!!:icon_rolleyes:

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If you already have 3 scopes, why don't you just have a play and see what you think before spending any money? The C80 and 120 are good scopes and at f7.5 they're not exactly slow, you might not need a coma corrector with the SNT either.

The 190MN is a nice bit of kit, no question but as James found out at SGL4, due to it's size and weight, wind does affect it quite considerably.


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The 190MN is a nice bit of kit, no question but as James found out at SGL4, due to it's size and weight, wind does affect it quite considerably.


That is a very good point you raise Tony. I can't image with my 10" newt if there's more than a very slight breeze, and my garden is very well shielded from the wind. Big 'scopes act like sails :icon_rolleyes:

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Hi Guys, thanks for the sensible responses I really don't need another AP scope right now, I think it was cabin fever, weather has been awful - retail therapy kicking in plus seeing all the goodies at SGL4 didn't help.

Anyway on CN forum someone ask a similar question regarding the Meade SNT and 2 responses that stuck out was the Baader MPCC works very well on them...but another was the TV paracorr is also useful, mind you they were discussing visual only.

So no new AP scope I will save for a Dob in the future, hey what do I do when the AP stuff is up and running, stay warm watch TV??


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