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Unistellar Odyssey…


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From what I read on Facebook (from memory), it has a smaller aperture, but has additional capability for solar system imaging. Now has auto-focussing and no collimation required. The tester seemed to indicate its deep sky abilities were similar to the previous scopes. Good to see they’re trying to innovate and stay one step ahead of the competition. 10,000 scopes sold is quite an achievement. 

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I have been getting advertising for this. Although the promotional pages are unclear about exactly what it does, as far as I can tell it appears to be like a Dwarf or Seestar but with an 85mm aperture (so better resolution) and an eyepiece you can actually look through. The adverising is terribly vague and doesn't have many details that anyone who is already familiar with telescopes would want to know. 

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