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ES 102 ed triplet....advice..

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Hello all, thinking about maybe buying the essential version of this scope.

I currently own a 102ed doublet  with 3" focuser, which I have been and still am very pleased with, would it be a good idea to change to the ES triplet...any advice greatly appreciated.


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Depends a bit on what you think the triplet might give you that the doublet doesn't? same aperture, same f ratio, what glass do you currently have fpl53? compared to fpl51 equiv but in a triplet so probably comparable colour correction, 3" down to 2" focuser. If your happy with the views/images from the doublet I can't see you gaining much. Hopefully someone with experience of both can advise specifically...

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Tbh one isn't really gaining much except for maybe a little more weight,  depending on the price one would be better off with more apperature with the 125ed like the stellamira doublet with fpl53 equivalent glass as an upgrade imv.

Edited by Naughty Neal
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Hmm,  happy with your 4-inch, and you already have a 5-inch aperture scope, so if the targets you enjoy are best seen with the refractor-type view, then move up to the 6-inch class.

Of course, a suitable mount for such a large scope must also enter the equation, here.

If the targets you're searching for are leaning toward deep-sky, an 8 or 10-inch newt will open new vistas, relatively inexpensively.

Good luck.





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