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SkySafari 7 Update

JK 31

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I have been using SkySafari 6 Pro for a couple of years now mainly for double star observing. I was advised on this forum at the start that the SkySafari Starchart had many minor errors and I have found this to be true. Although finding these minor errors and checking against other sources has added much interest I was wondering if SkySafari have been correcting these errors along the way and made improvements to the Skychart within version 7. With a more accurate Starchart I would love to go through the errors that I have recorded in order to be able to check the accuracy of my own records. Does anyone know if SkySafari 7 has an updated Skychart?

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That’s kind. One example is; beside 17 Cyg SkySaf shows an 8.5 Mag B star at 3.2” Separation. This B star designated HD 186858 should be shown approximately 800” below next to the true HD186858. Confirming this with Stelle Doppie the star that’s in the incorrect position is the G star of the 17 Cyg system. A more simple example would be the well known one where the Mizar B star is shown on the chart with a 0.8” Separation instead of 14.7” as observed and recorded by Stelle Doppie. 

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It looks like it's about the same as you're seeing in SS6.

In SS7:

17 Cyq / HD 186858:
Under 17 Cyg it says it's secondary is 25.9" away.
There are two different stars listed under HD 186858 - one very close to 17 Cyg, and the other a short distance away.

The description (words) says the separation is 14" in one place, 11.8" in another and at least 500 AU in another.  The basic information (numbers) lists separation at 0.8".

If you're thinking about buying SS7 in the black friday promotion, I'd say it's worth it overall, even though the catalogue errors are probably not much (any?) better than SS6 - I moved from SS6 to SS7 when it first came out and I like a lot of the new features very much.

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Thanks for the reply, I was just curious as much as anything.  I do visual only which involves a lot of star hopping from double to double and SS6 more than suits my needs. I record a brief note for each observation and the following day visit the Observation Group Picker to see where the previous night had taken me. Now if SS7 allowed me to make an Observed List from the previous night in the same way that you can make a planned Observation List, this would be just perfect and I wouldn’t mind paying the SS7 full price. Anyway, rambling aside SkySafari for me is brilliant. 

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