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Deep into the complex nebulosity in Cygnus with PN G091.6+01.8 as a bonus


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This is a two-panel mosaic of a rather rarely image area in Cygnus, a bit north of NGC7000. It contains a nice mix of red Ha-emitting nebulosity, dark nebulae and blue reflection nebulae.

I imaged it over two recent nights with my dual-RASA8 rig with NBZ filter (Ha+Oiii) on one of the scopes and without filter on the other. I then essentially mixed the data 50:50, so this is a HaOiiiRGB image. Total integration time was about 36 hours. Given that it is a f/2 system and I gave it a decent integration time the image is quite deep and show more dust and colours than any image I have seen of this area.

While processing I noticed a small PN like structure. It is identified by the Astrobin platesolve as PK091+01.1 but it is registered as PN G091.6+01.8 in Simbad. Surprisingly I cannot find it on
https://planetarynebulae.net/. I have not been able to find any other images of it so I thought it could be worth posting a crop even if a RASA has really a too short focal length for imaging small PNs.


Cheers, Göran

20231015-17 Sh2-120 mosaic RASA PS14smallSIgn.jpg

Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 13.39.54.png

20211017 Sh2-120pan2 RASA2 PN crop PS4 Sign.jpg

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