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VdB15, 16, Sh2-202, Heart and Soul, 10 panel mosaic.


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Capture, stitching and pre-processing by Paul Kummer, my post-processing.

About 3 hours per panel, RASA 8, EQ6, ASI2600 OSC.


It's a big image but if you'd like to check out the RASA's resolution of nebular detail (which I think is very good) there's a large one here:



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The detail in the full size image is stunning, it is so crisp and clean. I have the same equipment  but when I study this image the estate agent mantra “location, location, location” keeps ringing in my ears…

Anyway, although my RASA8 is currently packed away, I do have access to an EQ6 so if I get a proper clear night I would like to see how close I can get to this image, 3 hours is doable even from the UK.

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Great image Olly! You captured a striking large patch of dark nebulosity just above (and partly on top of) the Soul that I think is seldom seen (at least I have not seen it as clear as this). Maybe only a RASA would reveal that😆.

If you add some panels to the right you will also catch that big SNR (https://www.astrobin.com/u17lx0/C/) but then you probably need NB.

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