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Filter Wheel Maham Ahhhh... :-) Help

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I'm new to the hobby, I so far have the following.   RedCat 51,AM5, 120mm Guide Scope mini, Aisair Plus, DSLR Canon Camera.  My question is about all these Filter Wheels and sizes.  I see 50.4mm filter Wheels 5 or 7 filters, and then there are 31mm filter wheels. I noticed that the 31mm filter wheels are cheaper.  So which one to go with? Plus all the filters to go in them Ahhhh..... Also can you use filters on DSLR's or Astrophotography Dedicated cameras, If anyone has some advice let me know tks.... Cheers 🙂

Edited by DSOBug
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Filter wheels are generally used with monochrome cameras - I say generally because there are people who use them with colour cameras and various dual/tri band filters - but for the majority it’s with mono cameras.

if you’re using a DSLR to image with then you wouldn’t need a filter wheel, unless it’s had the bayer matrix scrubbed and is mono? 

For a 5 slot wheel you could have RGB and L and one spare for Ha maybe. A 7 filter wheel lets you have RGB plus L and Ha, O3 and S2.

In terms of the filter sizes, you can get away with 1.25” (31.75mm) up to about 4/3 sized sensors just about. Bigger sensors will need bigger filters. 

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Assuming you want to take photos of Deep Sky Objects (galaxies & nebula), has the Canon 60D been modified for astrophotography? If not then the camera is already fitted with UV/IR block filters on the sensor and these will also be blocking a lot of the Ha waveband of light, the red stuff in nebulas etc. So think about what filters you want to use and will they work with this camera?

There's no point spending money on a fitlerwheel & filters if you're not going to see any benefit from them. ;) 

Edited by Budgie1
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