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Celestial Position Question

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An object is moving parallel to the Alt axis when it performs a meridian transit but the azimuth position is always changing due to the Earth's rotation.

I'm not sure if you're perhaps referring to field rotation, which is maximum at the meridian and zero due East or West, where the direction of field rotation reverses.


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I was imaging NGC 6946 recently which required me to set up the dome rotation rate to keep the scopes pointing through the aperture. I tracked its motion in Stellarium and noted that the galaxy had a retrograde motion initially until it was moving down vertically, ie no movement in Azimuth, then it started to move East to West. I know when an object is not moving in altitude this is called the meridian transit, but I wondered if the corresponding point where it  changes direction in Azimuth has a name.

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Ah! I'm with you now. You're imaging circumpolar objects towards the North and as the object passes through the line at 90 degrees to the meridian, which passes through the celestial poles and East and West, its azimuth movement direction will reverse.

I don't know if this line has a name but it indicates the maximum East or West deviation from the meridian the object will have.


Edited by symmetal
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