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Negative Mass Matter


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1 hour ago, billhinge said:

I taught myself the maths and physics of GR to tensor level from the standard grad level books ( beyond what I did at  3rd year BSc specialisation) I don't claim to be an expert but I know my Riemann tensor from my Ricci\Weyl tensor from my Ricci scalar, my covariant from my contravariant  and now that I'm about to be semi retired I'm going back to study for a physics masters to enjoy it with a 'desire' to to do further study afterward if possible (I can afford to self fund  if required) . No need to find a job at the end or get involved in the typical student social activities 😉 

I think criticism (I don't mean flat earth and other mystic woo woo)  is an important part of science because it forces physicists to defend what they preach - they often disagree after all

Do real physicists really have their feelings hurt if they are criticised on youtube?

I'm not sure Physicists "preach" nor is disagreeing any detriment, I think it is more a reflection of how hard won the secrets of the universe are that leads to different opinions.   I doubt any of the professional (physicists, engineers, medics or others ) would feel their feelings hurt by the unqualified ramblings from remote corners of the internet (YouTubers, TickTokers); I think they would be too busy paying attention  to those who are qualified and have skin in the game with a proven track record. Who knows, Profs Brian Cox and Jim AL Kahili may take refuge here on SGL for some light hearted relief from academia :)   It's a little like Education when the armchair generals give you the benefit of their wisdom on how to teach or fix the ever present travails of the education system. :) 



Edited by saac
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