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Flashing red light

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Just got the GTI and I like it. I have tried external power and batteries and every time I turn on the power the red light flashes   I thought this was for low power or low batteries. When you first turn on the GTI, what does the flashing red light mean and how do you stop it?

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I have the GtiX and it does the same. I think it just means that the WiFi is connected, so it is going to be flashing the whole session.

Stop it? In my case, thick black tape.

Edited by Zermelo
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9 hours ago, Don62 said:

Love it! will take the tape off of my vcr flashing 12:00 and put it on the gti

I just figured out how to set my VCR clock, if you like I can write down the 46 easy steps for you.

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