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PEC & drift aligning


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Hya folks, Polar alignment is pretty tight, however, I feel I'd like to improve further( courtesy of John's successful 20min subs :)). a)Regarding Drift Aligning ,am I better off trying to do it having 1st done PEC run and running that during the alignment ?

:( Can anyone recommend an intuitive (:)) Polar Alignment/Drift alignment app, that's also free ???

PS I've NEVER done PEC before, any tips ?? ( running EQmod on the HEQ5 Pro)


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Hi Beamish

Cant advise on the PEC as I havent done that yet myself.

For drift alignment there is the WCS software, its free for a trial, and availiable here Polar Alignment - WCS - Fast and accurate polaralignment for astronomical mounts, using a CCD / webcam and drift alignment

You can practice drift alignment using the cool application at

Classic Astrophotography - Photographing the Cosmos with ordinary film

look for the drift simulator

But if you can remember the instructions once youve practiced, all you need is something that puts a grid or reitcule on your screen when using a cam, hence, no need to buy any software :)

Will watch this thread with interest as I have the same mount with EQmod and would also like to do the PEC thing

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