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Evolux 82ed with Altair 26c of M64


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Hi all. Took some images of M64 the other night with my modest setup. I’ve never taken it before now but unfortunately it ran out of room as the trees started to get in the way! Only got 28 subs in the end. Have to zoom in a bit but the binary system of 35 Com looks good all things considered and for a wide field shot.  I think it was ever so slightly out of focus which was a shame. Really liking this combination until a triplet scope comes my way!? Lol


Edited by JonHigh
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Thank you!
180sec at gain 120 (84 mins total). Probably should have lowered it to 120 sec for more subs plus it was a little gusty out and never really got dark under my Bortle 6 skies. 🙄

Edited by JonHigh
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  • JonHigh changed the title to Evolux 82ed with Altair 26c of M64

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