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Is this SN 2023 ixf?


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I’m up at my parents in Wokingham tonight, so not particularly dark skies (mag 19 ish) but I’ve had a free night to stay up until it’s reasonably dark.

I have been wanting to have a go at the M101 SuperNova and finally had a crack at it. I had forgotten my finder, so starhopped using a 17.5mm Morpheus in the FC100 from Mizar using SkySafari. Once in the right place, I wasn’t actually sure where to look as there was no sign of M101, well just the vaguest hint of a glow. Going by the location of NGC5461 which it is near, I think I located it but would appreciate a confirmation!

This is a handheld smartphone image through an 18mm BGO, with matching SkySafari screen shots both with and without M101. I’m hoping it is the ‘star’ right in the centre, as NGC5461 is centred in that view.

Any confirmation or otherwise appreciated! 👍





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I think you got it.

Rotating the image to match sky safari shows that it is in the correct position identified by other observers (gif in the main supernova thread) where it would (I think) be located in the lower arm on the spiral.  Drawiing imaginary triangles on the stars you've got matches beautifully imho.  But I'm not an expert and have been awake for about 16 hours...


image flipped.jpeg


Edited by Ratlet
Trying to identify where the SN is when using a mobile and work desktop! I'm not very good at this tbh
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5 hours ago, Stu said:

I think I located it but would appreciate a confirmation!

Looks right to me. The three brighter stars at the upper right of your image form a small obtuse triangle, taking the base of that obtuse triangle, the supernova forms an almost equilateral triangle with that base. That's how I identified SN 2023 IFX anyway.

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Yes, this is it, congratulations! I think it's the brightest supernova for the recent 10 years or so. I have labelled the key stars with their magnitudes as per the AAVSO chart.




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Thanks all! Thought it was but great to have confirmation. It’s tricky when you can’t see the galaxy itself! I got in position with the 17.5mm Morph, but best views were with a 12.5mm BGO, quite clear then 👍

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47 minutes ago, Malpi12 said:

 Yes !
This is a gif of my 1000 x 2sec subs ( Canon 60D 135mm lens, crop, fixed tripod) experiment  under yours rotated and horizontal flip.

Brilliant! Thank you!

Do you mind if I use your gif elsewhere on a smartphone imaging Facebook group? Many thanks.

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Yes, ok :)

I was about to update my "discovery" post in beginners imaging forum with it with  more details, when I saw your topic. It is a severe crop (and stack) of 703x874 pixels from original subs of 5292 x 3465. If I have my maths right makes it a 135x7.5 = approx 1000mm equivalent lens ?

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3 minutes ago, Malpi12 said:

Yes, ok :)

I was about to update my "discovery" post in Beginners Imaging forum with it with  more details, when I saw your topic. It is a severe crop (and stack) of 703x874 pixels from original subs of 5292 x 3465. If I have my maths right makes it a 135x7.5 = approx 1000mm equivalent lens ?

Thank you 🙏

Not totally sure of your question but my image was taken with a 740mm focal length scope and an 18mm BGO (42 degree afov) giving a 1 degree field of view. I just used the x1 camera so you can see the full field stop in the image.

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Looks right to me Stu. I observed it last night with my Vixen 102mm. Clear at 51x (Delos 14mm). The position in your image and relative brightness compared with field stars looks spot on. About mag 11.3 I thought.

Nice one 🙂

I'm still rather amazed that my little 70mm showed it a couple of weeks ago but we were on Jersey and the skies there were more transparent than they are here plus the SN was a little brighter. M101 looked more distinct there as well even with that tiny aperture - wish I could spend more time under such skies 🙄

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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Not totally sure of your question but my image was taken with a 740mm focal length scope and an 18mm BGO (42 degree afov) giving a 1 degree field of view.

Thanks, yes, I was trying to work out what size of lens my crop image was equivalent to,

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