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The telescope is a C5, and the pic is a still from a u-tube  video by John Read of Learning to Stargaze.

John indicates the mount came with a scope costing around 100 dollars, and that the mount is suitable as a tabletop mount for the C5.  If I can find one used it could be useful.  Does anyone recognise it?

I have searched myself, but not found this exact mount. If anyone knows of something similiar that could do the job, that would be very helpful 🙂.

Thanks for reading.



Edited by paulastro
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Thanks vlaiv and AstroKeith, I found out what the mount is, it's this.


You're right vlaiv, the last thing I need is another scope!  The mount you suggested might do the trick, though it's not the exact one of course.  I'm also wondering if they would do the job.  The money might be better spent on a strong table top tripod which will take my scopetech zero - if there is such a tripod at the right price.  I'll give it some more thought.

I'm more than happy for any more suggestions.  Thanks again.

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51 minutes ago, AstroKeith said:

Keith, have you got this telescope youself?  Is so I'm wondering if you think it would take a C5?  It looks like a cloned Zhummel, or is it the other way round? 🙂

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3 hours ago, vlaiv said:

You don't need to purchase scope with it just to have a mount (although, we all love good excuse to purchase another scope):



That looks very much like the dob mount that comes with the Heritage 130P, if so, it’s actually a pretty heavy and sturdy mount. 

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2 minutes ago, RobertI said:

That looks very much like the dob mount that comes with the Heritage 130P, if so, it’s actually a pretty heavy and sturdy mount. 

I think that there are two versions or possibly more.

I was looking at these two, and they seem to be of a different size:


and this one


Note that top one has two "handle slots" and looks bigger compared to bottom one. It holds 130mm scope so I guess it is in Heritage 130P class.

Smaller one is probably in Heritage 100 class

Not sure where that Omegon one falls between these two. They have specs on their website - it says that base is 195mm and height is 250mm.

Maybe this will help:


(it looks like it is about the same size as Heritage 100 - so smaller).

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