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A few snaps from Kelling

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I had a very enjoyable Kelling despite the wind and rain ( ! ) and had a very reasonable imagining run. The seeing and transparency on Wednesday were so good I actually tried imaging the sky ! On the Saturday I went for my usual solo walk round the woods armed with my camera, tripod and Chunky Kit Kats.

Image 1. is a return to my favourite reflections in the water. No matter how I tried I couldn't get a clear shot of the Moon and Venus without the reeds so just rolled with it. I knew the train would pass by at some point so ran through the shot in my head many times so as not to mess it up !

Nikon Z6ii, ISO 800, 10 seconds, f 2.5, 20mm



Shot 2. was a " I wonder if that will work ? " image, that would have been better if I hadn't accidently changed the Aperture when I was rushing to set up. As above, you get one chance so couldn't shoot it again.

Nikon Z6ii, ISO 800, 5 seconds, f 3.5 ! Which explains why the sky is a bit thin and noisy, 20mm



Shot 3. was supposed to be a last Hurrah star trail then off back to the campsite before the expected rain. I could see the mist coming but carried on regardless. That was my first mistake as I got just under 30 minutes of usable shots. My second mistake was pointing at Sheringham light pollution in the mist and the third was choosing a boring view. I'll leave it there.

Nikon Z6ii, ISO 200, F1.8, 120 seconds per sub, 20mm



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1 hour ago, clarkpm4242 said:

What, no barns!

Cool train effect.

There's a windmill close by but I doubt the occupiers would want me to barge in and stick a red light in the window :)

Thanks re the train. It was a bit different.


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