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So here's the old family favourite M42 (yawn, yawn, I know)

However it is my first real go a DSO and Im chuffed to bits.

Its nothing like some of the wonderful stuff you guys show all the time, but it proves I am clearing hurdles in my learning curve.

Anyway the tech stuff

Skywatcher Equinox ED80Pro



OAG with ASi 120mm (not the mini) and guided in PHD2

100 x 30 sec lights

100 x  30 sec darks

no flats

no bias

no calibration

no flat darks

Stacked best 68 frames in DSS

Pre stretched in SIRIL

Finalised in GIMP with new plug in for removing purple haze around stars (which I thought was a brilliant tool)

I know the trapezium is blown out but even at 30 seconds I couldnt save the stars . (I neded to get better)

When it comes around again I may have to look at different sub lengths down as low as 10 second to capture them.

Hope its acceptable enough to go on this forum area.

Thanks for looking


m42 09-03-23.jpg

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As someone who struggles with Deep Sky imaging, in my opinion, there ain't nothing wrong with that image Nick.

Yes the trapezium is blown out but you have teased some pleasant detail from the surrounding nebula.

With data you capture later using shorter exposures to capture trapezium detail, layering with the nebula detail from this will look really good.

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Sorry Nick, I am going to take you to task.  You apologised for blowing out the core, you have absolutely nothing to apologise for.  M42 is an object with a very large dynamic range, through a scope you can see vibrant glow from those hot fiery central stars.  It is the glow which is the key feature of M42 and, in my view, you have rendered this beautifully.  Many images I see of M42 reveal the trapezium stars and most of them look like M42 has had a cold flannel wiped over it.  Astroimaging isn't just a technical challenge, it is also about aesthetics and processing targets sympathetically.  I can see from this image that you definitely have what it takes, a fabulous first image, hats off to you!

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