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I know, I know....yet another horsehead image!

A difficult target for me, this is my first attempt at this area, and I imaged across no less than 11 evenings!

I have a north facing garden, so to image this I have to set up in my narrow side entrance (which is by a road), wait until Orion passes a tree (circa 7pm), and then image for no more than 2 hours until I hit a glaring streetlight (on the other side of that road) which kills off any data I can hope to gather.

To put this in perspective, using ISO-400 with the lenhance filter.....I can image for 240s at the start of the session (with frames gradually getting brighter), down to 60s by the streetlight (and a total washout)....but 600s if I'm in the backgarden on a different target facing north or up at the zenith. I hate that streetlight !!🤬

Details: Canon 800D (modded) + Evostar 72ED on a HEQ5 + belt mod. Guided in phd2, captured with APT. Stack of ISO-400, 139x240s (lenhance) + stack of ISO-400 124x90s (no filter) for a total of 12:22:00.

Two images attached, first with my Siril+GIMP edit and a second where I have ran it though AstroDeNoisePY. First time using this (free!) denoiser, it took several tries to get a decent result as it produces an image that, to me, seems a little "plastic-y".... so I overlayed the original non de-noised image at 15% on a screen mode to add a little back in 😄🤣 But actually, all considered...quite happy with the result. Feedback welcome 🙂


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I have similar problems with my location, also garden on the North side. Recently I worked on the Rosette Nebula that required 600s subs to capture enough amount of photons, 2h 20m only. It was between a tall tree and my chimney. 😕 But I think about a mono camera and filters, then 3x 2h should give me much more satisfaction... 

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Thanks all 🙂

14 hours ago, Vroobel said:

I have similar problems with my location, also garden on the North side. Recently I worked on the Rosette Nebula that required 600s subs to capture enough amount of photons, 2h 20m only. It was between a tall tree and my chimney. 😕 But I think about a mono camera and filters, then 3x 2h should give me much more satisfaction... 

With the rosette in a similar area in the sky, I'm almost loathed to try it after what I had to do for this one! But kudos for going for it between your obstacles too 👍

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