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C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 25-Jan-2022 from Lancashire

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My 2nd attempt at imaging the 'green comet' during late evening of Wed 25th.

I used the SXT Batch Process to allow a separate process the comet and stars and then CometAlign as part of integration of the comet subs. SXT on 75 subs took approx 10 hours on my 8-year old 6 core i7, with a previous process of 154 subs taking double this😬

Borg 101ED / ASI533MC unfiltered / 75x60s subs


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The processing you used has certainly done an excellent job, great image. But is it possible for anyone to gain access to this process, and how?   I'm seriously struggling with the comet/stars system in Deep Sky stacker, this particular comet has such a relatively faint tail that bringing the tail up shows faint star streaks as well 😟

Cheers, Peter

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On 28/01/2023 at 12:23, petevasey said:

The processing you used has certainly done an excellent job, great image.

On 28/01/2023 at 12:23, petevasey said:

But is it possible for anyone to gain access to this process, and how?


Thanks Peter🙂

The process that I followed is not so sophisticated really but does reply on having PixInsight I think, but possibly only if you wish to use BlurXterminator which, to be honest, didn't do too much for the comet here, only the stars really. As you can see from the basic process flow below, it was all done making significant use of Russell Croman's toolset. 

The basic flow was

1. Subs calibrated , registered and stacked using WBPP

2. SXT batch process on all calibrated / registered subs to create 2 sets of images with the comet and stars only

3. CometAlign on the Comet-only subs

4. ImageIntegration of all the Comet-only subs

5. DBE on the Comet stack

6. NXT on Comet stack

7. GHS to stretch the Comet

8. ImageIntegration of all of the Star-only subs

9. SPCC on the Star stack

10. GHS to stretch the Stars

11. Convolution on Star stack

12. ColSat on Star stack

13. PixelMath to combine the Comet and Star stacks

14. BXT on the combined image

15. NXT on the combined image

16. Gentle Curves applied twice to light the tail and coma

HTH, Andy

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23 minutes ago, fireballxl5 said:

Thanks Peter🙂

The process that I followed is not so sophisticated really but does reply on having PixInsight


Thanks for gettingback, Andy, and of course very much for your detailed explanation.  But I don't use Pixinsight, and doubt if my aging brain could ever master it 😉  So I'll have to pass on this one. and stagger on with DSS and Photoshop..



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