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Mars (x3) - 16 January 2023


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Here is a series of Mars images in good seeing from 16 January 2023, captured with my C14/Baarder barlow/ASI462MC/ADC combo. Each image comprises the best 20k frames from each of three consecutive 6 min SERs, hence a total of 60k frames per image, each covering an elapsed time of between 18-20 mins.


Mars waning phase, now at only 94%, is very apparent and its appaent diameter has shrunk to 12.5", but there is still a good level of detail coming through.

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1 hour ago, Kon said:

Excellent images! It is getting smaller, isn't it?

1 hour ago, Space Cowboy said:

Those look very nice!

Thanks both, I was out with Mars again tonight, also tried Jupiter earlier on, but the seeing wasn't as good and the corrector plate on my C14 iced over, so I only grabbed a few SERs. I will process them later / tomorrow to see if I got anything worth sharing.


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Here's what I got last night. None of the Jup SERs were usable and this was the best of the three Mars SERs that I captured - the others suffered from the corrector lens icing over. It's a very similar view to the 1st image from the previous night posted above, so probably not worth working up into a final image and giving it is own post.


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