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Comet C2020 E3 (ZTF) 3-1-2023

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A couple of photos of the comet from the backyard. The moon was around 84% for the zoomed shot.

The Corona Borealis photo from last Friday, see if you can spot the comet.

And a single exposure from 3.30am today. 

Alot of clouds moving in , and quite hazy.

These are 10 second exposures with astrotracer and Pentax K70 +90mm tamron macro for the Corona shot, and 55-300 Pentax zoom at 170mm for the second shot.





This is a stack of 20x 10 seconds exp from a week or so back.

The moon was at 90%



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A quick RAW to JPG edited in camera from Monday 30th January, about 20.30 , clear sky with 70% moon.

Single 20 second exposure iso 3200 , 300mm f5.8 zoom lens. 


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Ok so I tried this stack of 10 photos 20 seconds each, iso 6400 and 10 darks in DSS. Its not great and the stars are a bit green. I tried the 2X drizzle setting , not sure if that messed the colours up. This was taken through a 55-300mm zoom at 300mm on 30-1-23

The stack i tried above before had natural colours, does the drizzle setting effect colours? 

I processed this in Rawtherepee 5.9 , I haven't used that programme for ages. 




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Taken this evening 18.30 from the garden,  just before cloud arrived. 

Single shot 10 seconds ISO 6400 210mm lens using Pentax astrotracer.

Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF and Capella 


From 2am this morning


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Two more from 6-2-23

Not sure if I also picked up C/2022 U2 atlas , the photos are too noisy to tell, and a near full moon. Single exposures iso 6400 20 seconds for first pic. Second pic 10 seconds 300mm zoom.





From the 7th before moonrise, the seeing was poor. Trying to find C/2022 U2 atlas near star ETA about 18.45 GMT . Too many stars and CA 


Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF 





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More lazy astro shots from the last couple of days, Comet E3 heading towards Mars

Single exposures 20 seconds 3200/6400 ISO. Pentax K70+Astrotracer with Pentax 55-300mm zoom. 

Processed in camera and on pixel phone 




High clouds came across this shot with Mars



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1 hour ago, orion25 said:

Great shots, especially the ones with Mars. I was clouded out that night. I'm glad you got some images! :)


Lucky gaps for Mars, but tonight is awful seeing. Could barely see the Pleiades or Mars. Very hazy and humid, and some saharan dust likely too. 


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22 minutes ago, scotty1 said:

Lucky gaps for Mars, but tonight is awful seeing. Could barely see the Pleiades or Mars. Very hazy and humid, and some saharan dust likely too. 


I like how you documented the progression of the comet with your photos over time, very similar to my experience.

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Monday 13th February 18.45 

These are from tonight , very murky hazy conditions , an hour later the mist had thickened up to prevent any more photos. 




NGC 1647 


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On 04/02/2023 at 19:04, scotty1 said:

Ok so I tried this stack of 10 photos 20 seconds each, iso 6400 and 10 darks in DSS. Its not great and the stars are a bit green. I tried the 2X drizzle setting , not sure if that messed the colours up. This was taken through a 55-300mm zoom at 300mm on 30-1-23

The stack i tried above before had natural colours, does the drizzle setting effect colours? 

I processed this in Rawtherepee 5.9 , I haven't used that programme for ages. 




Gorgeous image, and with limited data! Well Done my friend! 

Wes, Liverpool, Bortle 7

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