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Mars tonight - 26th December 2022


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Just a quick report this evening. I popped the Tak out on its usual ScopeTech Zero/Gitzo mount and tripod; an easy one handed lift down the garden. I’ve just received some USB dew strips too, which run off a USB power bank and make for a much simpler setup.

I was using my new to me Baader Maxbright IIs for the first time on Mars, fitted with Zeiss 25mm orthos, a x2.6 GPC and the element from an AP Barcon. As ever, I don’t know quite what mag this provided, suffice to say it was enough. I also added a couple of extension tubes for higher power, somewhere around x200 or likely more I believe.

Mars looked ok when I first viewed it, but some tweaking with individual focus and intrapupilliary distance improved things, as did the normal trick of spending time at the eyepiece. The detail coming through during the steadier moments was really excellent for a 4”, and rivalled views through other  larger scopes.

In the left/right reversed view, Syrtis Major was heading off towards the western limb. Hellas Planitia was very obvious as a bright oval. Then there was some pleasing detail out in the regions of Meridiani Planum, and Margaritifer Terra, definite separation between these two areas.

The Northern pole showed brightening to indicate the cap, quite extended, almost like frosting. Then the thing I couldn’t quite work out which was a bright spot in the West ish, on the limb beyond Syrtis Major. It was quite obvious but no idea what it was. Any thoughts appreciated.

One thing I did note was a kind of glare like twinkling of Mars every now and then. I suspect that it was caused by my objective which could probably do with a clean!

Nice little session, with some clear detail visible on Mars.





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Great stuff, I was out with my DL the other night too. Could clearly see a white haze topping the planet and a dark surface feature, which looked somewhat butterfly shaped. I had a 5mm LE in, so about 180X

what app are you using there?


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@Stu, I was observing Mars at the same time and noticed the white area that you mentioned. Just before I packed away, at about 23:40, I took a smartphone video. Here’s a quick single frame. I’ve rotated it so it’s orientated the same way as your maps. By this time Syrtis Major is right on the limb so only just visible, but you can see quite an extensive white patch. Is that it? At the moment I’m putting it down to clouds or maybe a storm?



Edited by PeterStudz
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1 hour ago, AstroNash said:

Great stuff, I was out with my DL the other night too. Could clearly see a white haze topping the planet and a dark surface feature, which looked somewhat butterfly shaped. I had a 5mm LE in, so about 180X

what app are you using there?


Thanks. Yes, many people say Mars is boring or featureless, but to me it looks pretty amazing when conditions allow and it is close.

The app is SkySafari, very handy for seeing which features are visible.

Did anyone see the bright patch in the area highlighted here? Don’t think I was imagining it!


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18 minutes ago, PeterStudz said:

@Stu, I was observing Mars at the same time and noticed the white area that you mentioned. Just before I packed away, at about 23:40, I took a smartphone video. Here’s a quick single frame. I’ve rotated it so it’s orientated the same way as your maps. By this time Syrtis Major is right on the limb so only just visible, but you can see quite an extensive white patch. Is that it? At the moment I’m putting it down to clouds or maybe a storm?



Thanks Peter! That’s a great image 👍. I was observing a bit earlier so Syrtis Major was further onto the disk, and the bright area appeared more concentrated to me but that’s definitely the right place. Glad I wasn’t imagining it 😀

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@Stu, I was just having breakfast, going through the video that I took and came on here to see if anyone else saw it! I agree that it looked more concentrated at the eyepiece. It’s probably down to the frame I selected showing the albedo features better than the white areas.

My daughter noticed it too. She said something like “why is there white on the edge”?

Hellas Planitia stood out really well too. First time I’ve noticed it quite like that. And I agree, Mars can be amazing! 

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Had another go at this tonight, starting when Syrtis Major was more centrally positioned. Some lovely views again, although seeing was a bit variable.  The bright patch wasn’t there at this point, but I went out again a little later and there it was!!

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