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A poll about image libraries


Image looks libraries  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. After finishing processing an image what do you keep? Tick all that apply

    • All the subs and flats
    • The linear stacked image
    • The project/aphoto/ps file with your edits
    • Notes, reference frames, everything!
  2. 2. What do you do for backups?

    • What's a backup?
    • I backup everything.. But er.. I don't know if backup good as never verify or restore
    • I backup constantly. I verify my backups too
    • My computer is backed up I think.. Maybe.
  3. 3. How do you organise your data?

    • Er.. Its on the computer somewhere
    • I keep each target in a time reference directory or similar
    • I have everything in a spreadsheet or database and can instantly tell you how many times I have imaged a certain target. I am also great fun at parties

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On top of keeping all the raw data i also keep calibrated subs of work-in-progress targets where i will need several nights worth of data to get it done. Makes it faster to stack everything to test something new or test how an extra night will affect the stack.

The only raw data i dont keep is planetary/lunar since it would mean buying a new hard drive every 5 sessions. Have only kept some that are either exceptionally good or exceptionally bad so that i have some references for future.

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Number 3 none of the answers really apply to me.   Date is less important to me than the name of the target and the kit used

I keep mine under "images", which is split as follows

Raw/fits files (each having the title and kit used and each having it's relevant flats)  

N.B. Darks and Bias are kept in a separate library foler.

Stacked and processed data (each having it's relevant name)

Final images for uploading, go into a PNG folder and only at this stage do the named files get given a year date by sub file.

Works for me.

All is backed up on back up drives.

I also have my final images, posted on Astrobin, Telescopius and my own website. 


Edited by carastro
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I keep the subs for images I might want to revisit (never happens!)

Any images that I particularly like might only be saved as a stack and maybe a JPEG  of  my processing.

Some/many of my images now only exist as SGL attachments!

For me it's all about being amongst it. Telescoping and imaging and then seeing what I can get out of the data, if anything. After that, well, I know there'll be much better images out there. So I look at those instead :)


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