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Scope parts, where can I buy them in the U.K.?


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I have just purchased for a huge sum of £30, a 8” Newtonian which has a cast top spider assembly with three of its legs cut off, I want to replace this with an Orion style that you need to have holes in the sides and threaded nuts to hold in place. I Say Orion because I’ve had them before and they would make a good replacement. 
only thing is, who sells them ?

There is no makers labels on it either.

I’ve been trawling the net but can’t find one for an 8” newt. Anyone know where?




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I would actually caution making this change of secondary support.  All forms have their advantages and disadvantages and there is nothing basically wrong with a single vane support provided that it has adequate stability.  A single vane will produce an opposite vane on a star image, the same as a three vane support can produce six.  I would be surprised if you noticed any significant improvement in performance by making this change.  Even the more sophisticated secondary supports that have curved vanes to eliminate star "spikes" still smear the effect around the field of view slightly lowering the contrast.  I would recommend giving the telescope a try as is before making a final decision.     🙂

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My real concern is the single arm moving in different heat. Tomorrow I will collimate it to see what problems cutting the three other arms off has done, but as you say, if there’s no collimation issues, then I’ll try it out as is.


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