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Are the more budget models of the ZWO's decent?


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I was being told by a few to consider a dedicated AP camera and noticed a lot of people use ZWO. I went and looked around and saw that they make a very large range of camera's at various price points. Is there a certain model that I should use as the baseline to start at?



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38 minutes ago, Trippelforge said:

I was being told by a few to consider a dedicated AP camera and noticed a lot of people use ZWO. I went and looked around and saw that they make a very large range of camera's at various price points. Is there a certain model that I should use as the baseline to start at?



As above what are you wanting to image and with what equiptment (telescope mount guiding).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys I was out of the country this past week.

I pretty much only shoot DSO, and I currently use a CG-4 (w / tracking) along with a Barska 80mm ED triplet. I have been using a Rebel 500D (un-modified) and need to upgrade. I posted about having my DSLR modified, or pick up a newer model already done. But got a few responses asking if I had considered a dedicated camera.

The biggest issue was comparing costs. I noticed a few non-cooled ZWOS models around 500 bucks that had "decent" reviews. It seems like I could net better images with one of the lower end models, than say a modified 500D. Hence why I am looking into them.


OK it looks like I should've dug a bit deeper around here. That thread is pretty much spot on to my question (apologies guys). I am going to go read through it.

Thanks everyone for the help!

Edited by Trippelforge
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