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The Pelican, Clamshell & North America Nebula


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As the Cygnus season draws to a close – in my case disappearing northwards behind my house – I was ready to snap one final Cygnus object using my William Optics GT81 but then looked closer and realised that with careful framing using my Samyang 135 rig there was another more ambitious possibility.  The original object in question was SH2-119 AKA the Clamshell emission nebula.  But by using the much wider field-of-view of the Samyang 135 it was possible to include the North America and Pelican nebulae as well, just!  With some difficulty (weather) I finally managed to obtain 13-hours integration time over 6-nights, which has resulted in a pleasing SHO image.



Samyang 135 @ f2.8 + ASI1600MM-Cool

Ha 61 x 300 sec

OIII 54 x 300 sec

SII 41 x 300 sec

Total Integration: 13h 0m

Clamshell, Pelican & North America Nebula October 2022 (Custom).png

Edited by groberts
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