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Accidental panorama: from SNR G 150.3+4.5 to Sh2-210, 211, 212, and a frog


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This is a bit embarrassing. Two nights ago I aimed at Sh2-210 since I thought I saw some interesting structures around it on Aladin Star Atlas. I collected 14 hours with my dual-RASA rig and showed the restult to @wimvb. He soon replied and suggested that I should make a mosaic since I had imaged this area back in April, something that had slipped my mind. By chance it fitted quite well to the April image, both containing Sh2-210, but in opposite corners.

So, here is the resultant two-panel mosaic, with the new data making up the right half, and with data for the left half collected back in April (see https://www.astrobin.com/j6qtu9/C/), which contained the first visual image of the SNR G 150.3+4.5, seen in the upper left corner of the mosaic. I now noticed that there are also surprisingly few good images of Sh2-210 to be found. Since I have now a total of 42 hours of f/2 data on that nebula I think it may be the clearest image of it taken.

I like the large grayish shape to the right, which to me as a biologist looks like a swimming Xenopus frog.

Dual RASA 8 and ASI2600MC with IDAS NBZ filter, all on a Mesu 200. Right half is 212 x 4 min, and left half is 337 x 5 min, so totally 42 hours. Processed in PI and PS, including Star XTerminator.

Cheers, Göran


The panorama:

20221818-19+20220329 Sh2-210 RASA mosaicPS9smallSign.jpg

Astrobin annotation:

Screenshot 2022-10-20 at 15.55.19.png

A Sh2-210 close up, sharpened the contrast a bit in processing:


And the Xenopus frog:


Edited by gorann
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18 minutes ago, Roy Foreman said:

Love the panorama but struggling to see the frog. Must be because I'm an engineer not a biologist !!!

Thanks Roy!

LOL, do you see any mechanical structures then?

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35 minutes ago, Swoop1 said:

Nice image @gorann

Yes, I see the frog- looks like it is leaving a bubble of wind in its wake.......

Thanks! He he, I missed that! I could also be laying eggs....

Edited by gorann
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1 hour ago, wimvb said:

Great image, Göran. Even if it is likened to a flatulent amphibian.

Thanks Wim! I actually like the frog, so much that I made a cut out (actually Tuesday night's original image before you talked me into making a panorama😆)

20221818-19 Sh2-210 RASA1+2 PS22smallSign.jpg

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