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New camera test, Crescent Nebula & Jones Emberson-1


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After returning from Kelling Heath Star party & spending more money I've tested out my new camera an Altair Astro 26C on the RASA 11, I did manage to nab about an hour & a half on the Pacman  nebula but I really wanted to get a bit more data on a target so luckily on Thursday night I managed to get 3 hours 4 minutes of data on the Crescent nebula, I processed it the first time on the laptop as I wasn't home & it looked ok on the screen, but on looking at it on other devices it was looking way to red for my taste so the following day I processed it again using a different workflow than usual.
I opened up the stacked file in Siril did a colour calibration & removed green noise, saved the file without stretching then processed the rest in Photoshop by doing some light stretches removing the stars then working on the image some more to bring out more detail. I do have a tilt issue in the imaging train so it's by no means perfect & will need addressing but I'm pretty pleased with the result for just a short integration time. 



I got home on Sunday night & even though the weather was saying it were going to be cloudy it were lovely & clear so I didn't really plan a target just found one & thought I'd have a go at Jones Emberson-1, I really need a scope with a lot more reach for this target & I had to drizzle & crop into the image to even get a half decent view of this target but I don't think it turned out to bad for 2 hours 28minutes worth of data, it's not really ideally placed at the moment so I might go back to it when it's higher up should we get more clear skies of course.


Images taken using a RASA 11, Altair Astro 26C, IDAS NBZ filter.

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