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Carte du ciel not working


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I tried last night to get my telescope aligned with the stars.  I started with the telescope in the home position and asked the Carte du ciel to slew the telescope to Lyra.   I had selected EQmod Ascom HEQ5/6.  I then got a message on the small rectangular window with RA,/Dec etc information:  "horizon" "limited".   I also tried to use ASCOM.gs.sky.telescope, and it pointed the telescope in completely the wrong part of the sky (East rather than West).  I then moved the telescop to point at Lyra and sync'ed it.  That didn't help though as slewing to another start didn't work.

I checked my location and Carte du ciel time was the system time (near London UK).

On a positive note, I found a new way to balance my Newtonian (an extra adjustment that seems to be balance the telescope with the camera coming out from the side of the telescope) and I was able to get round start with a 5 minute exposure without guiding.  I tried out my new cooled camera.  I was amazed what difference cooling make (I only cooled to -10C).

Any help appreciated.   


Edited by gerardsheldon
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I found the problem.  I looked at the time and observatory location on Carte du Ciel, but in EQMOD the observatory location was completely different.   In Carte du Ciel, I chose the option to use the EQMOD location.

It is very confusing that the locations can be different in EQMOD and CdC. I am not sure how this happened.   I was able to track it down as EQMOD displays the Alt and Az of the object one has slewed to, and it was showing ridiculously low altitudes.

Thanks Daz for your reply.


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