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Jupiter + Calisto 29.09.2022


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Jupiter and its moon Calisto, imaged on 29 Sept 2022.   10 videos of 60s at 84fps, gain 100%, exposure 11.88ms. Each video stacked, sharpened and de-rotated, with final bit of sharpening.  Total 11430 out of 49283 frames stacked. Stella Lyra 200mm RC8, 2x barlow, ASI120mc, ZWO ADC. PIPP, Autostakkert 3, Registax 6, Winjupos.




I did take a set of videos of Saturn and another set of Jupiter with reduced ROI and faster fps, but I had to abandon these - unfortunately, I realised just after I finished Saturn that my secondary mirror had dewed up 😩. I continued to video Jupiter anyway despite the dewed up secondary as the live feed looked ok, but the Saturn set and one of the Jupiter sets looked absolutely horrible! But I wasn't surprised, I was more probably more surprised that this one came out ok!



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