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Jupiter 20/09/22 a little better


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Jupiter 20/09 with 250p, QHY5L-IIc, x2.5 Barlow, NEQ6. Seeing wasn't great & although the majority of vids were awful had a couple of avi's where the seeing improved a little. Process- Pipp, Autostakket, Registax 6, Image Analyzer.

Still struggling with getting the processing right, can't seem to get to "the natural look". Although its better than previous attempts, I find it hard to keep any sharpness/detail & not have it look over processed. Its trying to get the balance with not overcooking the wavelets in registax but still bringing out detail & having it look smooth. I found that using the AI Denoising in Image Analyzer sharpens the image a little kinder than the wavelets in registax.

Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated


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That’s looks nice and natural to me tbh. It’s just one of those things where to get good fine detail with a smooth natural look you really need good seeing. Just gotta keep getting out there and you’ll catch one of those greats nights sooner or later.

I always avoid any kind of AI denoising or sharpening , images tend to get a certain look to them when they’ve been used and can usually spot it, saying that though you’re looks nice and you must have been really gentle with it I guess.  AI sharpening can also introduce false detail as into an image too which can make it look good on first inspection but when you look closely you can tell (there was a big hoohaa on Astrobin about it a couple of years ago). I just don’t think the AI stuff copes that well with tiny scale planetary images as opposed to big megapixel dslr shots. 

I really like the Wiener deconvolution in Astrosurface so maybe have a go with that and see if it helps.

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22 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

That’s looks nice and natural to me tbh. It’s just one of those things where to get good fine detail with a smooth natural look you really need good seeing. Just gotta keep getting out there and you’ll catch one of those greats nights sooner or later.

I always avoid any kind of AI denoising or sharpening , images tend to get a certain look to them when they’ve been used and can usually spot it, saying that though you’re looks nice and you must have been really gentle with it I guess.  AI sharpening can also introduce false detail as into an image too which can make it look good on first inspection but when you look closely you can tell (there was a big hoohaa on Astrobin about it a couple of years ago). I just don’t think the AI stuff copes that well with tiny scale planetary images as opposed to big megapixel dslr shots. 

I really like the Wiener deconvolution in Astrosurface so maybe have a go with that and see if it helps.

Thanks for your reply Craig.

Wiener deconvolution, that's an interesting name, what is the purpose of that? Does it sharpen/blur? I haven't used Astrosurface, but I'll certainly have a look. 

Clear skies (one day/night 🤦)

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