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Abel 1367 Galaxy Cluster Widefield


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Lovely! I looked at this cluster through my 12" from a dark site a couple of weeks ago and counted 7 galaxies but didn't have time to identify them before clouds came - I think you've caught a few more! Your pic inspires me to go back to try again.

I think I read its distance as a third of a billion light years - awe inspiring.


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93 Leo is the bright star at the bottom. The image is aligned with west approximately up. There are finder charts for the cluster in Uranometria (A11) and Luginbuhl and Skiff (p147), and I assume Cartes du Ciel will have it plotted.

The centre of the cluster is slightly up and to the right of the image centre, where a notably elongated galaxy can be clearly seen. I could be wrong, but I think this is most probably UGC6697 (which according to Luginbuhl and Skiff is visible in a 12" from a dark site). I think the fuzzy immediately below it is 3842 (brightest cluster member - reportedly visible in a 6" from a dark site). Immediately to the left of 3842 are 2 other galaxies (visible in the negative image, though one looks stellar) - these are -41 and -45 (reading right to left).

Going down, the next very bright fuzzy would be 3861, with its superimposed companion M+3-30-94.

Uranometria plots roughly 40 members and I'm sure you'll have them all in this image, plus others. Luginbuhl and Skiff lists about 20 that should be viewable with a 12". Next clear night I get, I'm going to look for them. Tonight, hopefully!

Thanks again for an inspiring image.


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