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More binoviewer DSO fun, this time with high power


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A beautifully transparent night last night, so I thought I’d make use of the the C8 for a change. Randomly starting with M51 and a single zoom eyepiece, I was pleased to easily see both cores, and as I upped the magnification, the view just got better and better. Which made me think….perhaps binoviewers would work tonight…..

I’m really not sure of the exact magnifications I get with the BV in the C8 but I estimate I was getting around 200x with the GPC. 

So first BV view was M13 the great globular cluster in Hercules. What a beautiful sight in BV, and at 200x so may stars resolved, with that 3D look and the propellor easy to see. I popped the observing hood on and just soaked up the view for a good 10 minutes - thanks to the comfort of BVs. 

Next was M57, the ring nebula, another old favourite but a good candidate for high power viewing. And I wasn’t disappointed - the ring looked so clear, with the outer edges of the short axis showing brighter and the central hole slightly glowing. No sign of the central star but the nearby 13th magnitude star was clearly visible, confirming the nice conditions.

Next was Saturn. Conditions were pretty steady and some lovely detail was visible, the bright equatorial band and a darker band above and a darker pole. The Cassini division and ring shadow easily seen. Quick sketch of the moons, and later checking revealed they were Titan (8th mag), Rhea (9th mag), Dione (10th mag) and Tethys (10th mag). I had noted a field star of similar brightness to Titan, but apparently that’s where Iapetus should have been - I know it varied in brightness but didn’t think it got THAT bright?

Finally Jupiter. Although low on the horizon it was pretty good. Wonderful colours. The GRS should have been visible but I was struggling to see anything, then a few moments of stillness and WOW, there it was clear as day, salmon pink and embedded in a cloud band that seemed to be flowing round it with a clear gap. I watched for a good 15 minutes and got some lovely views in those still moments, but nothing quite as good as the WOW moment! 🙂


Edited by RobertI
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