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Odd shaped stars 🌟

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I've gotten odd shaped stars in every single one of my subs. They all look similar. It has happened on each LRGB filter. There isn't any obstruction in the light path. The guiding was reported as .5 total RMS. Does it look like pinched optics? I have recently removed the primary baffle and instead fitted the primary mirror to it's cell with 3 blobs of silicone. I'm wondering if the silicone is preventing the mirror from expanding and contracting as the temperature changes.



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"The guiding was reported as .5 total RMS."

On it's own that would seem good.

But it's the individual RA and Dec guide errors that need to be similar for round stars.

Those DSS shots are not helpful, post a jpeg of one of your subs, stretched if necessary.


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Looks like some mixed coma/astigmatism at the edge of a field when out of collimation, but could also be pinching. But its difficult to say what and why without seeing the whole image, post one for folks to have a look?

If your optics are pinched you would get some funny shapes when slightly inside or outside focus giving a clue on what is causing it. Most commonly this is in the form of a triangle shaped star out of focus because of the mirror clips being too tight, but since you got rid of them there could be some other shape.

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