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Never, ever look at the Sun directly through any optical instrument - instant blindness could be the result.

Even looking at the Sun with the naked eye can be harmful.

DO NOT look at the Sun with magnifying glasses, cameras, binoculars or telescopes, any optical instrument in fact, without the use of a properly designed, approved and tested filter or specialised instrument.

DO NOT use photographic film, smoked or tinted glass, plastic or metal film.

Use only materials and instruments designed for the specific purpose for viewing the Sun.

If in doubt, seek expert advice first!

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  • 3 years later...

Some examples of what can go wrong.

DO NOT leave a telescope that is pointed at the sun unattended.

DO NOT use a truss tube telescope for observing the sun without first fitting a secure shroud to cover the open part of the tube.


(click the image for the full thread by squeaky)

DO NOT use eyepieces with plastic parts or cemented lenses for solar projection.


(click the image for the full thread by broony)

ALWAYS check and double-check that your solar filter is in good condition and firmly fitted to your telescope BEFORE connecting a camera or eyepiece.


(click the image for the full thread by Bizibilder)

DO NOT use the eyepiece solar filters that are often sold bundled with budget telescope packages.


(click the image for the full thread by tetenterre)

Finderscopes should also be covered with a solar filter. If they are not going to be used, they should be securely capped or removed from the main scope.

For details on how to make a DIY solar safety film filter holder click here: http://www.baader-planetarium.com/sofifolie/bauanleitung_e.htm

For details on how to make a solar projection screen click here: http://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/feature/how-guide/how-to%E2%80%A6-make-solar-projection-screen

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