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Another frustrating night with most of the evening spoilt by thin cloud. Finally it improved a small amount so off came the covers and I spent a couple of hours on the above object only to find it to be a bit smaller than I was led to believe by SN Pro. I think the focus was a little soft too. I fell asleep at the end of this session and by the time I woke up refocussed and tried a few different targets to see what would look good in the frame, I was running out of time. I did a quick frame up of the Markarians chain got about 3 x 5mins subs of that and promptly fell asleep again til dawn. Hopefully the rig is now set up to get straight back onto doing Markarians chain tonight.




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no surprise to hear this is one of my favourites, and i always like to see it.

you have caught it nicely here in this wide field shot.

it is one of the larger galaxies tbh, though it is difficult to image,

you got a few background glaxies too though and the galaxy is bright enough. the stars look a little odd, they have black rings round them perhaps a little heavy on the sharping, have you tried any deconvolution tools?


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Nice widefield Kevin, I dont think the sky was up to getting this in all its glory though. Like you I struggled with sleeping last night and ended up wasting the whole night doing the cats eye because I was too tired to swap targets. Looking forward to your Markarians.

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