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Celestron “GT” mount/ HC issues?


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Let me explain first that I bought both items separately and used. Now I said GT in the heading as that’s what is on the hand controller.

The issue is where I power on, the HC then initialises, then displays “ no response “. There is no number after that as it’s an older controller.

Looking up the Celestron site indicates that it could be the mount and not the HC, how do I know? You cannot connect them separately and do a separate diagnostic test, they connect together through the HC which is the older 4pin contact, not mini usb. 
As it an older controller,  I’m using the older cable to laptop via a USB adapter, driver for it is downloaded, I’m also using my Dell laptop with win7.

I’ve opened the mount and took a pic of the motor control board to see if anyone can tell me if the mount and GT HC are compatible.

Will it require a new motor control board? or a compatible HC? I don’t know.





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If you could post a image of the face of the HC the button arrangement can help indicate which model it is.

Have you checked nexstarsite.com for upgrading a GT?

The GT mount does not have a on/ off switch the SLT does if that helps at all. 

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Here you go, it looks to be the older gt as the logo is missing from the info button.

When I had a look on the Celestron site, it wasn’t that helpful, maybe that was just me.

The mount was made in 2012, which is around the time they produced the newer variant?

Do I need to use the Nexstar plus with this mount?








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I’ve now looked up the Nexstar resource site, it looks to me, that I have an old GT HC with a newer GT mount, am I correct?

If this is the case then do I need the NexStar + GT hand controller?


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I’ve now placed a wanted ad for the later controller, can’t seem to find one anywhere! Hens teeth.

Anyone in the need of the standard controller?


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5 hours ago, Chaz2b said:

I’ve now looked up the Nexstar resource site, it looks to me, that I have an old GT HC with a newer GT mount, am I correct?

If this is the case then do I need the NexStar + GT hand controller?


It does seem to be the case, the HC in your picture is the same as my SLT mount from 2006

One thing you can try is while it is powered on, press the undo button a few times (try the align as well) sometimes it may bring up the main screen so you can check the version under Menu.

If the HC is a Version 4 or early 5 and the mount is cfm then they are not compatible, though I am surprised it is marked as GT and will not link to the mount.

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Thanks Gabby I’ll give that a go.

Its responded as you said by pressing the undo button a few times, all it gave me was that it was a GT, i then was able to enter my info date and time location, but when it came to align…no response. I get the feeling it’s the motor board at fault, but I still could be wrong. What can I do next?

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1 hour ago, Chaz2b said:

Thanks Gabby I’ll give that a go.

Its responded as you said by pressing the undo button a few times, all it gave me was that it was a GT, i then was able to enter my info date and time location, but when it came to align…no response. I get the feeling it’s the motor board at fault, but I still could be wrong. What can I do next?

When you get it to the point where you can enter information, can you access the menu?

If you can, go to Utilities and look for Version. This will display either the MC version & HC version or CFM version. (depending on what is loaded currently)

At that point you can determine what files you need to upload to it. 

You can also do a factory reset from there which 'may' make it reboot itself. 

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The mount looks rather like the SLT mount. I don't know how helpful this information is.

I have three Nexstar alt-az mounts of varying ages and models, and several handsets (Nexstar*, Nexstar+ and Starsense).  I have swapped the handsets around for various reasons and found that all the combinations worked, so the mounts are clearly not fussed about what version of handset is connected.  My SLT mount works with both the Nexstar* and Nexstar+ handsets.

If possible, ascertain what firmware is actually loaded in the handset and mount. Then you can figure out with the aid of nexstarsite.com whether they are actually compatible.   Do not try to upgrade the firmware unless you are really sure what you are doing.

I have found that the SLT mount firmware is prone to getting corrupted (giving an error 16 or 17 = no response) which can be fixed by reloading the firmware.


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The SLT mounts have a on off switch do they not? Mine doesn’t, comes on when you plug the power cable in.

 I am conversant with updating firmware, having done it before a few times, but finding a compatible handset for the mount is now my focus.

I cannot get any more info from the handset other than what I’ve mentioned.

I’m sure I’ll get there.


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The outward differences are just the power switch and the additional Aux port.

If you know anyone else with a Celestron mount I would try plugging it into that to see if the HC responds correctly.

At least it would eliminate the HC as the problem.


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