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Quite a sunny day, but seeing unusually poor all day.  Not helped by strong winds and a very milky sky. Still, pleased I managed to get anything. 

As I hoped, AR 3007 had expanded significantly since yesterday.  The SN had risen from 84 up to 112.

Single frame and crop below taken at 4.07pm, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/400 at 200asa.  The second crop is from a frame taken nearly exactly 24 hours ago.

Hopefully AR 3007 still has more to give.







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9 minutes ago, Steve Ward said:

Well done for getting anything recognisable today through the awful shimmer ...

Thanks Steve.  I'd noticed earlier from your post that you had similiar conditions.  At least we both  have the compensation that we weren't the only person with such awful conditions 😊.

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6 minutes ago, paulastro said:

  At least we both  have the compensation that we weren't the only person with such awful conditions 😊.

Or knowing that we were the only two silly buggers trying to see through it ... 🤣

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