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Hydrogenated Cygnus project


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Cygnus is rising slowly at the night end, so I decided to find out how much data I will need for a single panel of mosaic to my autumn project. I captured 2.5 hours and processed it hardly, and it seems to be a reasonable amount of data. There is so much hydrogen in this area, that it is hard to determine the final number of panels, so it will probably be a long living project :)

Imaged with Tecnosky Owl refractor 90/540, 0.8xx FF/FR, QHY268M,  iOptron CEM26, Baader Ha filter, 50x3 minutes, stars removed with Starnet.  Suburban sky with SQM reading about 19.50 mag/arcsec2. Image is stretched much, so it is not easy to recognize the actual field of view - but maybe you will be able to guess  :) The field of view is 3x2 degrees. There is one IC object in the frame, but not that common. 


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I was able to collect two more panels over the last few nights, and here are three of them already merged. Stars removed, but this small patch of light little bit below and right of the center is the Sadr remnants. North is left. 

Tecnosky Owl refractor 90/540, 0.8xx FF/FR, QHY268M,  iOptron CEM26, Baader Ha filter, 3 panels mosaic, 50x3 minutes each. Larger version after click. 



Edited by drjolo
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After posting this starless image I noticed small dot in the upper right part and wondered if that was not removed star or what. But that is PK 76+1.1 planetary nebula, that is (according to http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-basic?ident=PK 76%2B1.1) located 4000pc away, so much further than IC1318. Nice, small ring (20 arc seconds diameter).

Full mosaic frame with stars:


Top right part zoomed (PN can be noticed already):


And full zoom 1:1:


Maybe someone with bigger scope will catch it better :) 

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