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Hi - your input will be highly appreciated. 

I am planning to have 2 setups - one with the EQ6R-PRO, WO GT81, flattener, Astro Essentials 50mm, ASI290mm mini and ASI533MC and one portable with AZ-GT, Redcat51, WO 32mm guide scope with again ASI290mm mini and ASI533. 

I am plying around with the idea to add o my setup a ZWO OAG for both setups. I have read different opinions on if this helped others or not. 

Any thoughts if I would benefit or not?


p.a is this even the correct thread for this question?


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Wouldn't one of the imaging forums be a much better place for your question?  Unless you're doing manual guiding with an eyepiece in the OAG, I don't see how eyepieces even figure into this. :icon_scratch:

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Your guiding will improve slightly, I had a game trying to get focus with it, even when it was focused and all locked tight it still lost focus on stars during one plan. When it works it's brilliant, when it doesn't you kind of wish why you bothered. If your setup will remain fixed without dismantling it then yes might be worth a go. Note I also got similar gains from using a larger aperture and FL guidescope.

Edited by Elp
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