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APRIL 23RD - " ANGRY SUNSPOT FACES EARTH " (spaceweather.com)


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Unexpectedly, and not forecast, I awoke at 6.30 to a cloudless sky. Quickly dressed and set up scope/camera outside to get a view as the sun came up.   To catch the early sun I had to set up with where the sun would  appear between my neighbours house and elevated garage.  In the pic below, the sun was in the gap over the distant trees and underneath the horizontal drainpipe!  I took my first pic at 6.53 am and my last at 7.07 am when the forecast cloud engulfed the sun.

The single frame and crop below was taken at 7.00 am, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/100 sec at 200 asa.  Just as the sun was about to disappear into the cloud bank below it. It's forecast to stay cloudy until late afternoon when I'll try to get a better pic.

A brief view, but very pleased to catch AR2993/4 et al while they are directly facing earth.












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6 minutes ago, Pete Presland said:

Unfortunately very cloudy here now, the active regions are in the perfect position. Nice early capture, hopefully better luck tomorrow 

Thank Pete.  I was very lucky to have those early few mts.  It's forecast to start clearing here around 5pm, but it may not!

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