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APT lost its marbles

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Tonight I went to set up the scope and launched APT but it had lost all its settings. Everything. It didn't remember the camera scope or filter wheel, no capture plans, no location info- all gone. It was fine last night and didn't crash or anything. Wasted an hour or so figuring it all out and luckily had an old settings backup from when I migrated from my old laptop which saved a bit of time, but not ideal!

I will now backup the settings very regularly as that was a painful surprise!


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5 hours ago, bottletopburly said:

Always let @Yoddha know as it may be a bug , and what version you were using and upgrading too .

which reminds me must backup settings 👍

I had a search of the APT forum and it seems to have happened to a few people in the past, usually after a crash, but there's seemingly no recovery possible other than restoring from a backup- so yes backups are really important if you have a lot of plans, custom targets etc. I will try to do a backup now after any changes I make- which is quite infrequently really.


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